Rabu, 22 April 2009

Completely Build Up Cars Business are Still Prospective

Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/

, Nice to meet you again with this interesting article.

Last ten years (at the end of June 1999) government issued the deregulation of Automotive which globally gave the easiness to import CBU cars. The release of import CBU car will change national automotive market significantly .

Although the sale of CBU cars have not compared with the sale of sole agent of brand holder (ATPM), but since that year people have bought those cars. Indeed, many cars with various new types and models which have never been sold in this country, then they went back and forth over the road to become usual view.

It looks like euphoria, high class society hunts CBU cars and they are willing to wait many months to buy it. Since the last ten years, although the price is very high, CBU cars still have been looking for by people. It can be assumed that from the total 230 million citizen in Indonesia, at least a millions people who can buy CBU cars.

Firstly, the attack of CBU cars made sole agent of brand holder society, who has big market share for those kinds of cars, worried about this situation. But then the realized that the market segment of sole agent of brand holder is different from CBU cars. It can be seen from the price of cars that CBU cars only tried to aim high class society, but market segment of sole agent is more for common people.

Since government has issued automotive deregulation, business society especially importers found the opportunity for CBU Cars as a prospective business. Moreover, Indonesia has big population and most of people want to have appearance different from the others, so many general importers concerned to become CBU cars importers. Based on their long experience, business society can get the consumer’s desire. So, even the economic crisis has not finished yet, the sale of CBU cars still increase.

There are some reasons why people want to have CBU cars, one of them is about technology. CBU cars have high technology in safety, because most of the import cars is completed by the best safety equipment, such as air bag and ABS brake. In addition, the model is nice and luxurious, either interior or exterior, which is suitable with people who want to be classy and perfect.

How about you Adi Prayitno http://www.arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , do you want to have some of the CBU cars ? we hope so.

Bisnis Mobil CBU (Completely Build Up) tetap menggiurkan

Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , senang berjumpa dengan anda dengan artikel menarik ini.

Sepuluh tahun lalu (akhir Juni 1999), pemerintah mengeluarkan deregulasi otomotif yang secara garis besar memberikan kemudahan dalam mengimpor mobil Completely Built Up (CBU). Pembukaan keran impor mobil build up ini membawa perubahan yang cukup signifikan terhadap peta pasar otomotif nasional.

Meski belum mampu mensejajarkan diri dengan pencapaian penjualan yang dilakukan ATPM (agen Tunggal Pemegang Merk), namun sejak tahun itu banyak masyarakat yang mulai membelinya. Bahkan berbagai kendaraan dengan merek dan model yang sebelumnya tidak pernah dipasarkan di negeri ini, kemudian menjadi pemandangan biasa di jalan-jalan.

Seolah terjadi Euphoria, masyarakat kelas atas memburu mobil CBU, bahkan mereka rela indent berbulan-bulan untuk bisa mendapatkannya. Kini setelah 10 tahun berlalu mobil CBU untuk jenis termahal sekalipun tetap punya pasar, karena bagaimanapun, dari jumlah penduduk yang mencapai lebih dari 230 juta jiwa, setidaknya ada jutaan orang yang mampu membeli mobil jenis tersebut.

Serbuan mobil CBU ini awalnya sempat menimbulkan kekawatiran di kalangan ATPM otomotif yang selama ini menguasai pasar mobil di Indonesia. Namun hal ini kemudian tidak berlanjut, karena disadari bahwa segmen pasar mobil ATPM berbeda dengan mobil CBU. Dilihat dari harganya mobil CBU hanya mengincar segmen kelas atas, sedangkan ATPM lebih kepada masyarakat kebanyakan.

Sejak pemerintah mengeluarkan deregulasi otomotif, sejumlah pelaku usaha terutama kalangan importer melihat bisnis mobil CBU sebagai bisnis yang menggiurkan. Apalagi jika melihat jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang besar dan banyak masyarakat yang ingin tampil beda. Maka kemudian banyak importer umum yang mengkhususkan diri sebagai pengimpor mobil built up.

Kemudian seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan pengalaman, para pelaku bisnis ini semakin jeli dalam membaca keinginan konsumen, sehingga meskipun dampak krisis belum sepenuhnya reda, penjualan mobil CBU tetap meningkat.

Banyak yang menilai bahwa keinginan orang-orang tertentu untuk memiliki mobil CBU merupakan hal yang wajar mengingat ada sejumlah alasan, diantaranya dalam hal teknologi. Mobil CBU dianggap lebih canggih dalam hal keselamatan, karena rata-rata mobil import ini sudah dilengkapi dengan perangkat keselamatan terbaik seperti kantong udara saat darurat serta rem ABS. Alasan lainnya yang tak kalah penting adalah model mobil CBU yang terlihat lebih bagus dan mewah baik interior maupun eksteriornya, yang cocok bagi orang-orang yang menginginkan tampil beda dan sempurna.

Bagaimana Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , tertarik ingin memilikinya ? kami harap demikian.

Jumat, 17 April 2009

Wow.....Our Country Indonesia Still Imports Million Tons of Sugar

Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ . Here we are come again, with an intresting topic. You know that…

In New Socio Political Order, (call Orde Baru), Indonesia have ever felt nicely the self-sufficient of sugar. But lately together with no addition for new sugar mills and the increasing national sugar need, Indonesia unwillingly to import sugar in Million Tons every year.

Last year, Indonesia is definitely still unable to realize self-efficient of sugar like it had ever happened in new socio political order (Orba) . In fact it is shown that from the total domestic needs as many as 3,8 millions tons per year, but domestic production can meet the demand only 2.2 million tons. Thus every year Indonesia should import sugar as much as 1,6 million tons to meet the national needs. Indeed, this year the import volume of sugar will be more than that amount , regarding national production is threatened to decrease significantly.

Government itself seem to realize that national sugar stock should be enlarged, so government through Department of trade issued the license of sugar import. This import is aimed to meet the national need from some provinces. The provinces which got the biggest volume of sugar import are such DKI Jakarta, North Sumatra, West java, and West java.

Government should have a real concept for national sugar trade, so there are not shown at centralization of import which caused distribution lane be longer and finally the price at consumer level be higher. It can be proved although government improved the base price of sugar, but the price at consumer level still be higher than the determined price.

For that reason , government in order not to limit only some registered importers to import sugar, but also it offers to the other importers. The Regional entrepreneur can import and it can keep prices down sugar trade in the regions. The sugar decentralization trade is believed to decline the illegal import sugar.

Ok, are you agree and ready Adi Prayitno http://arahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , and of cause All of you the regional entrepreneur to be importer of sugar ?

Kamis, 16 April 2009

Negeri Kita Tercinta Indonesia Impor Gula Lagi Loooooooooooo

Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , kami datang lagi dengan topic yang menarik. Anda tahukan bahwa……

Dalam masa Orde Baru, Indonesia pernah merasakan manisnya swasembada gula. Namun belakangan ini seiring dengan tidak adanya penambahan pabrik baru, padahal kebutuhan gula nasional terus meningkat. Anda tahu, Indonesia terpaksa terus mengimpor gula sampai jutaan ton tiap tahunnya.

Tahun lalu Indonesia dipastikan masih belum sanggup merealisasikan swasembada gula seperti yang dicapai pada era ORBA. Fakta menunjukan dari total kebutuhan gula nasional sebesar 3,8 juta ton per tahun, produksi dalam negeri hanya mampu memenuhi sebanyak 2,2 juta ton. Dengan demikian Negara ini terpaksa masih menggantungkan pada impor gula sebesar 1,6 juta ton untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional . bahkan bisa jadi volume impor tahun ini bakal lebih besar dari angka tersebut mengingat tingkat produksi gula nasional terancam turun signifikan.

Pemerintah sendiri menyadari bahwa stok gula nasional perlu diperbesar, untuk itu pemerintah melalui Departemen Perdagangan kembali menerbitkan izin impor gula. Impor gula ini rencananya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional dari beberapa propinsi. Propinsi –provinsi yang mendapatkan paling banyak gula impor adalah Jakarta, Sumatra Utara, Jawa Timur dan jawa barat.

Pemerintah sebaiknya memiliknya konsep tata niaga gula nasional, sehingga tidak lagi terlihat adanya sentralisasi impor yang menyebabkan jalur distribusi menjadi panjang, yang hakhirnya harga ditingkat konsumen menjadi lebih tinggi. Ini terbukti walaupun pemerintah telah meningkatkan harga dasar gula, tetapi harga pada tingkat konsumen masih lebih tinggi dari harga yang ditentukan.

Untuk alasan itu, sebaiknya pemerintah jangan membatasi hanya segelintir importer terdaftar untuk mengimpor gula, tapi tawarkanlah ke importer lainnya. Pengusaha daerah juga mampu mengimpor gula dan itu bisa menekan cost perniagaan gula di daerah-daerah. Desentralisasi tataniaga gula dipercaya mampu menekan angka penyelundupan gula dari luar negeri.
Ok, apakah anda setuju dan siap Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , serta tentunya anda semua pengusaha daerah menjadi importer gula ?..............................

Senin, 06 April 2009

Implementing and Targets of National Single Window in Batam Indonesia

Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , http://arrahmandistro.com/ very nice to see you again, do you know that :
Batam used to has many bad stories about smuggling, from Automotive, electronic, garment-fashion, to food commodity. Batam also has many entrance to port. May be it is the reason, Why is chosen to be a sample of implementing of national Single Window (NSW). How it can be implemented ?
Batam can be proud for its predicate of city as “ a quart of pepper”. It can be a pilot project in implementing of national single Window in Indonesia. But behind its proud, it is doubtful that Batam will be able to implement the NSW considering the completeness of facilities to support that implementation.
Starting on 1st January 2007 Batam has began to implement NSW. This implementation will later on support Batam as one of special economic Zones, beside Bintan and Tanjung Balai karimun.
As it was explained by Economic watcher, there are six target that could be achieved in implementing NSW there are :
1. Efficiency, because there is no face to face meeting. It means that either the owner of the goods or the goods document officer don’t have to meet to process the document, just submitting the disc which contains of the amount and kind of goods to the officer in the port. After it is checked, whether the result is positive or negative, the goods will continue to be shifted to the entrepreneur’s warehouse or if the data is not suit to the result of checking, then they will be rechecked manually by the port officer.
2. Effective, the cost of document process by on line system is cheaper than manual system. What makes the process cheaper is document service system in port integrated, start from harbor master, sea UPT, customs, Tax and banks. “Every un completed condition of the document will be completed in one place by coordinating with related parties in NSW, he confirmed.
3. Document is more accurate, because by the time the document is checked, not only at good fhysic but also using modern technology wares (X-ray)..
4. Avoiding the corruption, Collusion and Nepotism practice, because there is no bargain in the process of taking out the goods.
5. Having imports database system more accurate, because there will be no balance between the checking goods physically and manifest.
6. Accountable economic data especially the economic indicators, because the data will be accurate and clear.
Well, we hope NSW can be implemented in all ports of Indonesia, so there are no smuggling. Corruption. Collution and Nepotism again here. You must be Agree Adi http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/

Penerapan Dan Target Kebijakan Satu Pintu di Batam Indonesia

Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , http://arrahmandistro.com/ senang menjumpai anda kembali , anda tahukan bahwa :

Batam dulu memiliki banyak catatan gelap tentang penyelundupan. Mulai dari otomotif, elektronik, garment –pakaian sampai komoditi pangan. Batam memiliki banyak pintu masuk di pelabuhan. Barangkali karena itulah, pelabuhan di Batam dipilih sebagai percontohan untuk penerapan nasional single window. Bagaimana pelaksanaannya ?

Batam boleh bangga dengan predikat “Kota Segantang Lada” ini sebagai pilot project dalam penerapan national Single Window di Indonesia. Namun dibalik kebanggan tersebut terbesit keraguan menyangkut kesanggupan Batam dalam penerapan NSW ini belum juga terlihat.

Mulai 1 januari 2007 Batam sudah mulai menerapkan NSW. Penerapan NSW ini juga nantinya akan mendukung Kota Batam sebagai salah satu kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, selain Bintan dan Tanjung Balai Karimun.

Pengamat Ekonomi menjelaskan ada 6 target yang bisa dicapai dalam pelaksanaan NSW, yakni :

1. Efisiensi, karena tidak perlu tatap muka, artinya baik si pemilik barang maupun si pengurus dokumen barang tidak perlu lagi bertemu pada saat memproses dokumen, cukup menyerahkan disket yang berisikan jumlah dan jenis barangnya kepada petugas di pelabuhan. Setelah di cek, apakah hasilnya positif atau negative, maka barang akan diteruskan ke gudang pengusaha atau sebaliknya diperiksa ulang secara manual oleh petugas pelabuhan, apabila datanya tidak cocok dengan hasil pemeriksaan barang.

2. Efektif, karena biaya proses dokumen lebih murah dengan system online. Yang membuat prosesnya menjadi murah karena system pelayanan dokumen barang dan kapal di pelabuhan di lakukan secara terintegrasi, baik mulai dari pihak syahbandar, UPT laut, bea cukai, Pajak dan bank..Setiap kekurangan dokumen dapat diselesaikan di tempat dengan koordinasi pihak-pihak terkait di NSW.

3. Pencatatan dokumen lebih akurat, karena pada saat dilakukan pemeriksaan dokumen, juga dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik barang, tetapi dengan menggunakan perangkat teknologi canggih (X-ray).

4. Menghindari terjadinya KKN, karena tidak ada tawar menawar dalam proses pengeluaran barang impor.

5. Mempunyai system database impor yang lebih akurat, karena tidak terjadinya lagi ketimpangan jumlah barang secara fisik, dengan yang tercatat di manifest barang.

6. Perhitungan data ekonomi terutama indicator ekonomi lebih dapat dipercaya, sebab tidak terjadi lagi data-data yang kabur, semuanya akurat dan jelas.

Kita mengharapkan NSW dapat diimplementasikan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, sehingga tidak ada lagi penyelundupan barang dan KKN disini. Anda pasti setuju kan Adi http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/

Jumat, 03 April 2009

Export Rubber and Product of Rubber still be Indonesian Mainstay in next years

Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , http://arrahmandistro.com/ , We hope you have a lucky day every time. This is best interesting report for your business. Please read and study carefully.

During last year Indonesia export increase. Statistic Indonesia reported the biggest contribution in increasing export are rubber and product of rubber. Although export rubber and product of rubber increased significantly last year. It have not maximized yet. Indonesia can increase export higher if Government enlarge to export product of rubber, in other words it will benefit us greatly if product of rubber is exported more than natural rubber.

According to data of Indonesian Rubber Company Association, natural rubber production reaches 2.2 million ton per year, which 2 million ton is aimed to export and the remaining product is absorbed by domestic industry. At the time that we know International price of rubber recorded relative stable around US$1.8 up to 2.1 per kilogram.

Actually , Indonesia has potential power to change Thailand position to be the biggest rubber producer in the world, caused Indonesia has rubber plantation wider than plantation in Thailand. However , the wide plantation is not guarantee for Indonesia to change Thailand position as the biggest rubber producer in the world.

In addition, although Indonesia has rubber plantation is wide three time than plantation in Thailand. Thailand produces rubber and product of rubber more than Indonesia. This condition caused by the low productivity of Indonesian rubber.. In this case , the farmer of rubber needs to do many ways to improve productivity, unfortunately we still have no fund to do that. Moreover, national banking has not given loan at this sector yet.

In Spite of Indonesia has abundant of natural rubber to meet domestic need, but government worried the supply of natural rubber will come to standstill in next time. It can be shown if the farmers prefer to sell their product in raw rubber to export market. Government should give priority to the supply of natural rubber for domestic market in order to have added value , so Indonesia has a potency to be the biggest exporter for rubber product, especially in tire and rubber glove.

Moreover, as a country that has abundant of raw material such as natural rubber, so it is possible if Indonesia will be the biggest exporter of product of rubber in the world. In addition, all this time tire made in Indonesia has well known in the world by its high quality and low price. In this condition, government needs to focus on upstream industry, considering rubber processing industry still need to be supported.

Ok Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ and all of you , see you on another best interesting reports.

Ekspor Karet dan Produk Karet akan Tetap Menjadi Andalan Ekspor Indonesia di Tahun-Tahun Mendatang

Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , http://arrahmandistro.com/ , kami doakan anda selalu beruntung setiap hari. Ini ada catatan sangat menarik untuk bisnis anda. Silakan baca dan pelajari dengan seksama.

Sepanjang tahun lalu ekspor Indonesia terus meningkat. Badan Pusat statistic mencatat kontribusi terbesar dalam peningkatan ekspor adalah karet dan produk karet. Walaupun ekspor karet dan produk karet meningkat signifikan tahun lalu, namun kenaikan tersebut dianggap belum maksimal. Indonesia masih dapat meningkatkan ekspor lebih tinggi lagi jika Pemerintah mau memperbesar porsi ekspor produk karet jadi., dengan kata lain lebih menguntungkan jika Indonesia memperbesar ekspor produk olahan karet ketimbang ekspor karet mentah.

Menurut data Gabungan Pengusaha karet Indonesia, produksi karet alam saat ini mencapai 2,2 juta ton per tahun. Dari jumlah itu sedikitnya 2 juta ton ditujukan untuk pasar ekspor, dan sisanya diserap industry dalam negeri. Sedangkan harga karet internasional dilaporkan selama beberapa tahun terakhir relative stabil yakni US$1.8 – 2.1 per kilogram.

Sebenarnya Indonesia berpeluang menggusur Thailand sebagai produsen karet alam terbesar dunia, mengingat perkebunan karet Indonesia jauh lebih luas dibandingkan yang ada di Negara itu. Tetapi factor lahan yang lebih luas tidak dapat menjadi jaminan bahwa Indonesia dapat dengan mudah mengalahkan Thailand.

Walaupun Indonesia memiliki perkebunan karet tiga kali lebih besar dari Thailand, tetapi karet yang mereka dapatkan lebih banyak. Kondisi ini disebabkan rendahnya produktifitas karet Indonesia. Untuk meningkatkan produktifitas, para petani karet perlu melakukan berbagai terobosan. Namun lagi-lagi hal tersebut terkait dengan kurangnya dana. Perbankan nasional tampaknya masih sebelah mata untuk menyalurkan pinjaman ke sector ini.

Walaupun karet alam di negeri ini masih berlimpah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri, tetapi tetap ada kekawatiran bahwa suatu saat pasokannya bisa tersendat. Apalagi jika pasokan petani lebih memilih menjualnya dalam bentuk karet mentah ke pasaran ekspor.

Pemerintah sebaiknya mendorong agar supplai karet alam diprioritaskan bagi industry dalam negeri , agar kita bisa mendapatkan nilai tambah, jadi Indonesia punya potensi menjadi eksportir produk karet seperti ban dan sarung tangan karet terbesar di dunia.

Dengan melihat bahan baku berupa karet alam yang banyak tersedia, pencapaian sebagai Negara pengekspor produk karet terbesar bukan harapan kosong. Apalagi selama ini produk karet seperti ban buatan Indonesia terkenal dengan kualitas yang handal dan harga yang relative murah. Tetapi ini semua perlu support dari pemerintah untuk focus menyiapkan industry hulu, mengingat industry pengolahan karet lemah dibidang itu.

Ok Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ dan anda semua , sampai ketemu pada laporan menarik lainnya..

Kamis, 02 April 2009

Ilegal Electronic and Garmen Product In Indonesia Market, Please Love Products Made in Indonesia

Hai Ar-Rahman Distro http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , http://arrahmandistro.com/

In smuggling world, electronic and garment product becomes one of the prima donnas from illegal products. It may be caused by illegal product can give multiple profit. If the profit margin of illegal product is high enough, so a part of it can be given as a bribe to the official, isn’t it? Is it nice, isn’t it ? Moreover, it will be pleased if the smuggling continues. Astafirullah, go away corrupt minded from your mind, and go away corruptor from this Country Indonesia.

If you walk around in the biggest of electronic center in Indonesia, Glodok, you will see many electronic products from international brand with competitive price. You also see many unknown electronic product from international brand with competitive price. You also can see unknown electronic products, yet they have good performance and high technology. Moreover, the price is very cheap, you can get 1 DVD player to pay only 200 thousand Rupiahs. However , do you know which one of illegal electronic products ? The famous one ? Or the cheap and unknowns ones ?

The big part of cheap electronic products in Glodok comes from China. Although those products imported from China, yet the selling price in Indonesia still be cheap. This condition is contrary to the branded electronic products which handle with sole agent. They always promote as launching the new products. But, what do you think if the product and its variant is new, famous but it has no advertisement ? This case arouse suspicion.

Electronic industry community report that up to now Indonesia still be paradise for smuggling of electronic products. The smuggling of electronic products is estimated to dominate 40 percent in domestic market. So it caused the distortion in developing national electronic industry.

One of the serious problem in national electronic industry is to face illegal electronic market which dominated 40 percent in domestic market. Consequently, electronic industry losses, because domestic market can not be optimized to develop national electronic industry.

Now Government begin to pay attention to electronic businessmen in domestic, by reducing and to eliminate luxury tax for a certain electronic product, and also checking and controlling for import products is tighten.

However, Electronic Industry community still worries about smuggling which can be increase in the coming year. In this case government should be active to prevent it, especially in eliminating luxury tax for electronic product s made in Indonesia, and should control tightly to import activities. If Government control import activities weakly, the smuggling will raise, and electronic industry will be collapsed. Like garment and shoes industry which are collapsed because of illegal products.
Oh my garment, Weak up…….weak up ………. garment industry in Indonesia.

Please love products made in Indonesia forever……………, especially you Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/

Produk Garmen dan Elektronika Ilegal di Pasar Indonesia. Cintailah Produksi Dalam Negeri.

Hai Ar-Rahman Distro http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , http://arrahmandistro.com/

Dalam dunia penyelundupan , produk elektronik, dan garmen merupakan salah satu prima donna produk illegal. Mungkin karena selisih harganya cukup tinggi, sehingga memberikan keuntungan yang berlipat ganda. Bukankah kalau selisih margin tinggi, maka sebagian kecil bisa disisihkan sebagai uang pelicin petugas, bukan? Menyenangkan bukan ? Apalagi kegiatan penyelundupannya dilakukan rutin. Astafirullah, jauh-jauh pikiran korup dari otakmu, dan jauh-jauhlah koruptor dari negeri ini Indonesia.

Jika suatu hari anda sempat jalan-jalan ke pusat elektronik terbesar di negeri Indonesia ini, Glodok, lihatlah disekeliling anda produk elektronik yang membanjir dari beberapa merek terkenal, dengan harga bersaing. Namun diantara produk itu, anda dapat melihat dengan mudah berbagai produk elektronik dengan merek yang asing di telinga dan mata. Namun tidak kalah penampilan dan kecanggihannya. Harganya luar biasa murah, contoh 1 buah DVD player saja anda cukup merogoh kantong paling tinggi Rp.200.000,-. Manakah diantara itu produk elektronik illegal ? Yang produk terkenal kah ? atau yang murah dan tidak terkenal ?

Paling besar produk elektronik murah di Glodok berasal dari China. Di China produk elektronik memang dijual sangat murah, walau diimport pun dari China, harga jual di Indonesia jatuhnya masih sangat murah. Kondisi ini sangat bertolak belakang dengan produk-produk elektronik bermerk. Produk bermerk biasanya berada di bawah kekuasaan agen tunggal, dan selalu dirilis seiring dengan promosi iklan sebagai produk baru. Tapi bagaimana kalau produk dan jenisnya baru, terkenal tapi tidak beriklan ? yang ini patut dicurigai.

Kalangan industry elektronik melaporkan bahwa sampai kini Indonesia masih menjadi surge para penyelundup produk elektronik. Penyelundupan produk elektronik diperkirakan menguasai 40% pasar domestic, sehingga mendistorsi pengembangan industry elektronik nasional.

Saat ini salah satu masalah serius yang dihadapi industry elektronik adalah pasar elektronik illegal yang menguasai 40% pasar domestic. Konsekuensinya industry elektronik dalam negeri dirugikan, sebab pasar domestic tidak dioptimalkan mendukung peningkatan industry elektronik nasional.

Pemerintah tampaknya mulai menyikapi keinginan para pelaku bisnis elektronik di dalam negeri, dengan menurunkan dan menghapuskan PPn BM untuk produk elektronik tertentu, dan juga memperketat pengecekan dan pengawasan barang-banrang impor.

Meski demikian , kalangan industry elektronik masih tetap kuatir aksi penyelundupan di masa mendatang bakal lebih marak. Untuk itu pemerintah harus lebih berperan aktif mencagahnya., khususnya dengan mengurangi PPnBM untuk produk elektronik yang dibuat di Indonesia, dan juga harus melakukan pengawasan lebih ketat terhadap aktivitas impor.. Jika pengawasan pemerintah lemah terhadap aktivitas impor yang menyebabkan penyelundupan makin marak, maka nasib industry elektronika bisa saja terpukul seperti industry garmen dan sepatu dalam negeri yang kolaps karena serbuan barang impor illegal. Oh Garmen ku. Ayo bangun….bangun……jayalah industry garmenku di Indonesia.

Ayo Cintailah produksi Dalam Negeri Indonesia tercinta selamanya………, terutama Anda Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Please warning us the day before......Disaster happened

This from our heart Ar-Rahman Distro http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/, http://arrahmandistro.com/ and must be yours….

This year happened Situ Gintung Disaster, it’s so sad. Last two years may be thought as a disaster year for the land, also air and sea Transportation. The lost of Adam Air plane and passenger ship KM. Senopati , also Lumpur lapindo Sidoarjo disaster have been informed by all media continuously everyday, even in the morning, afternoon or at night. Media everyday last month of this year told us about Situ Gintung Disaster. What seem to be our action ?

Common people said that it just a disaster, it comes from the unfriendly nature . But is it fair if we blame all of these to nature ? Isn’t it that the nature in our country has that kind of circle each year ? There are rain and storms coming at different speed depends on the direction of wind. Worker of Air and sea Transportation have been familiar with this condition. They are assisted by Department of Geophysical and meteorology which has job in concerning with weather condition. But how can be that it still fail ? Why the warning always come after disaster happened continuously.

It Should be not only Meteorology and Geophysical Bureau who delivers warning, but also All of us, Government and community. Government should deliver warning to the people the day before. But up to now we have not known what and how is our land, also Sea and air Transportation system. When and where we should be careful. Also as community We should be care of our environment surround.

That is our country, which always tries to find who made mistake. That is it. Many mistakes have been made this country but no body can avoid it. Until the time, there will be curse and blaming without any excuse. Well, it is true what much of people said this country has been insensible. When it is surprised by common things, it has been invulnerable, but when it is given by big surprises like disaster, then it all rise.

Please don't forget for Sholat in Your daily activities.....especially you Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/