Hai Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ , http://arrahmandistro.com/ , We hope you have a lucky day every time. This is best interesting report for your business. Please read and study carefully.
During last year Indonesia export increase. Statistic Indonesia reported the biggest contribution in increasing export are rubber and product of rubber. Although export rubber and product of rubber increased significantly last year. It have not maximized yet. Indonesia can increase export higher if Government enlarge to export product of rubber, in other words it will benefit us greatly if product of rubber is exported more than natural rubber.
According to data of Indonesian Rubber Company Association, natural rubber production reaches 2.2 million ton per year, which 2 million ton is aimed to export and the remaining product is absorbed by domestic industry. At the time that we know International price of rubber recorded relative stable around US$1.8 up to 2.1 per kilogram.
Actually , Indonesia has potential power to change Thailand position to be the biggest rubber producer in the world, caused Indonesia has rubber plantation wider than plantation in Thailand. However , the wide plantation is not guarantee for Indonesia to change Thailand position as the biggest rubber producer in the world.
In addition, although Indonesia has rubber plantation is wide three time than plantation in Thailand. Thailand produces rubber and product of rubber more than Indonesia. This condition caused by the low productivity of Indonesian rubber.. In this case , the farmer of rubber needs to do many ways to improve productivity, unfortunately we still have no fund to do that. Moreover, national banking has not given loan at this sector yet.
In Spite of Indonesia has abundant of natural rubber to meet domestic need, but government worried the supply of natural rubber will come to standstill in next time. It can be shown if the farmers prefer to sell their product in raw rubber to export market. Government should give priority to the supply of natural rubber for domestic market in order to have added value , so Indonesia has a potency to be the biggest exporter for rubber product, especially in tire and rubber glove.
Moreover, as a country that has abundant of raw material such as natural rubber, so it is possible if Indonesia will be the biggest exporter of product of rubber in the world. In addition, all this time tire made in Indonesia has well known in the world by its high quality and low price. In this condition, government needs to focus on upstream industry, considering rubber processing industry still need to be supported.
Ok Adi Prayitno http://arrahmandistro.blogspot.com/ and all of you , see you on another best interesting reports.
Jumat, 03 April 2009
Export Rubber and Product of Rubber still be Indonesian Mainstay in next years
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Adi Prayitno
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